Saturday, August 7, 2010


We went to look at a home in Cerritos today. It has 5 bedrooms and is in a great area. We are all excited about it but don't want to get our hopes up about it. While we went to see the house our dear friends Annie and RIchard Colvard came over and watched our kids for 6 hours. They had such a great time with them. They even took the boys to a birthday party. When they got home they were so excited to see us and tell us about all the fun they had.

I love that Aaron still likes to give me hugs.

I love Jacob's laugh.

I love when Nathan get so excited to tell me something about his day that he is literally screaming me the details and uses so much expression.

Friday, August 6, 2010


So I think it wasn't such a great idea for me to start this "daily" blog whilst I am trying to move,pack, and clean, our house of the last 14 I will probably be skipping a few days here and there. We have started a 90 day reading program to read the entire Book of Mormon as a family. Every night we have been reading about 3-4 chapters together as a family. I am so grateful for this program.

I love that Aaron is such a great reader.

I love that Jacob likes to read and tries his very best.

I love that Nathan wants to be a part of it all and tries to have a turn reading as well.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


I love that Aaron will run up to tell me something funny he remembered from a movie, tv show, or book. He gets so excited to share what he is thinking about. And is usually laughing so hard that I can't even understand what he is trying to say.

I love that Jacob comes up to me throughout the day and randomly asks me for a kiss or hug.

I love that Nathan wakes up every single morning and says "Good morning Mom".

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

For Starters

Yesterday, while at the beach with my boys, I began reading a book my Mother gave me called "A Mother's Book of Secrets" by Linda and Shawni Eyre. I got this idea for a blog. To help me be grateful for the little things my children do daily. To start this blog I would like to tell you a little bit about each one of them.

Aaron, our oldest, is 8. He has always been a little short for his age, and we have been told by his doctor he will be 5'7" as an adult...we will see. He has STRAIGHT hair that grows and sticks straight up like a porcupine. He has gotten quite the dark tan this summer-thanks to his father's side of the family. He reminds me so much of myself. He is extrememly shy, likes to read, likes telling jokes, and LOVES to eat. He is a very smart boy and does very well in math, and likes to do science experiments. He says when he grows up he wants to be an inventor and is constantly drawing new ideas of various concraptions he thinks up. He would prefer a day at home in front of the tv, Wii, or DS to being outside. Just like me when I was younger. I love Aaron.

Jacob, our second son, is 6. He is tall for his age and is the exact same height as Aaron (who is 2 years older than him) From behind, when they walk next to each other they look like twins. But head on they look completely different. Jacob has extremely curly hair-and he hates it. Though everyone constantly wants to touch it and tells him it is beautiful he wishes he could have Aaron's hair and constantly asks me to gel it straight..(which takes a LOT of gel and time on my part...and he ends up looking like a used car salesman-but he LOVES it!) He is very much like his father. He is outgoing, social, funny, athletic, and loving. He is a bit of a perfectionist and is sometimes hard on himself. He has very nice handwriting and loves math. He loves being outside and climbing...trees, slides, walls, anything he can get a grip on. He also loves to exercise and show people his muscles. He will randomly start doing push-ups or sit-ups. I love Jacob.

Nathan, our baby, is 3. He keeps us all laughing. Lately, he has started thinking that clothing is optional and has been running around the house all day in his underoos...He is a mix of Vili and my personalities. Sometimes shy and sometimes the life of the party. He LOVES music. He LOVES to carry around his guitar and play and sing songs. Whenever music is on, he is close behind dancing around. He loves to go to the library and asks me to take him there at least twice a day....not for books -but so he can check out a movie. Whenever he gets a scrape or a blemish he likes to show everyone his "boom. boom." and always asks for a bandaid. I love Nathan.

These are our children. I am excited to start this blog and to look for the little things daily that make life worth living....